Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Eliza says....

Eliza talks about RoRo all the time. In the beginning I'd say thing to her like, "Eliza...when we get RoRo home, where will she sit while we're eating?" ... or ... "Eliza, when we get RoRo home, will she like to read books too?".

But for several weeks now, Eliza is the one to bring up RoRo. If we are sitting at the table for dinner to eat (at home or out) she will point to an empty chair and say "RoRo!". When we sit on the floor in her room to read bedtime stories, she'll sit on one side of me and point to my other side and say "RoRo!".  Every night she goes to the picture of RoRo in their room and says her name and lately she has been saying "Thank you, RoRo". I don't know if this is because when we say our prayers at night I tell her to thank God for RoRo. Who knows what is going on in her mind.

Now she talks about the trip to China a lot. In her own unique Eliza language she'll say "China".."Go"..."RoRo"..."Up"..."Fun"...."Nanny"...."home". It translates to: We are going to China to pick up RoRo. We'll have fun (she pronounces it as "pum"), then we'll visit my nanny and then we'll come home. Sometimes she includes her little pantomime for swimming since we told her we'll be swimming when we are there.

We have know way of knowing for sure but we really think she understands that RoRo is coming home to live with us. What we aren't so sure about is how she'll do sharing mama with a sister. :)

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