Monday, June 22, 2009

The wait and the math

OK, so we've been logged in for 27 months as of the 28th of this month. When we logged in all those months ago, people were receiving their referrals (when they match you with a child for those of you unfamiliar with the term) at 18 months. Back in December, with the help of my older sister and my dad (the math wizzes of the family) we figured that the wait time has increased by 75% since our LID (log in date) based on the current referral times at the time (right now they are at 38 months I believe). If we can assume that the wait times will remain at that percentage of growth, and that they don't increase (God forbid) then we can assume that would put our referral date somewhere around January of 2011. That could make sense because it would mean our total waiting time would be around 4 years and 3 months, or 51 months. Right now people are waiting just over 3 years for their referrals.

So IF (if, if, if, if, if) that is the case then we have just (ha!) one and a half more years to go! 

I'd love feedback on this from anyone better at math than me! :)

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